These are some TV series and feature films I have developed
The Ministry of Romance

A couple in a troubled relationship wants to have a child but is faced with the fact that the government has introduced a policy which forces any couple to prove that they are ready to be parents – otherwise they aren’t allowed to have children.
The concept is currently in development with the German production company Odeon Fiction

Nomado is an urban fantasy series about 30 year old Tom, who attends the carnival in Brazil, hoping for romantic encounters but instead gets confronted with a mysterious entity called The Warehouse, which challenges his ideas about sex and romance.
Death at 40
Susan, a single mother, lives in a society where people are killed at the age of 40, unless they complete a special mission assigned to them by the government. When she realizes that both she and her daughter won’t be able to succeed, she joins an underground rebellion in order to overthrow the system.
I developed this concept together with Elena Alexander and Frank Pfeifer as part of the HFF International Series Camp.

Buddha is Back
It’s been 2500 years since Buddha died. Has the world become a better place since he left?
Well, he’s back to find out! In the thief Octavio he meets his match and the two go on a road trip together. Soon, the unimaginable happens: Buddha loses his enlightenment and before he knows it he has become a criminal himself...
This is a religious satire, examining our ongoing obsession with religion and the difficult question: Which God or guru is the ultimate one? And do Buddhists really never get angry?